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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Water is One of the Biggest Enemies to Your Home - Prevent Water Damage.

Water is One of the Biggest Enemies to Your Home - Prevent Water Damage.

  There are easy ways to protect your home from one of the most damaging enemies to your home.  The National Association of Realtors has provided a checklist to follow.

  Of course, there are other preventative measures you can take to keep your home safe and protect it from damaging causes, but water will almost certainly cause great harm to your home, particularly when unattended to over time.

  Following are a few easy things you should remember when protecting your home from the damaging affects water can have on your home:
  • Make sure you drain water away from your home.
  • If you have a sump pump, make sure it is working.
  • Make sure you notice leaks, dripping and water stains immediately.
  • Inspect your home for old caulking or worn out roofing.
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