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Saturday, November 18, 2017

Did You Know ... ? Why Selling Your Home During the Holidays May be the Best Time.

Time to Sell Your Home?

Did You Know ... ?

-- BY: Mark Harbaugh, J.D. - BROKER

The Holidays can be the

Best Time to List and

Sell Your Home.

Your Competition is Low

During the holidays, typically there are not a lot of homes on the market - that can be GOOD NEWS for you if you are planning to sell. Many potential sellers do not wish to sell their homes during the holidays, because they are "too busy."

So, there are not many homes from which Buyers have to choose. In an already low inventory housing situation, as we have been experiencing for some time, fewer homes means less competition for those who want or need to sell.

Additionally, there are usually not a lot of Home Buyers out searching for homes during the holidays, as they are also "too busy." However, that can also be GOOD NEWS for you because those folks mean business.

Buyers Are Serious and Ready to Buy.

Because Buyers can be busy during the holiday season, if they are out looking, you can be sure they are serious and are highly motivated to purchase a home when the right one comes on the market. Therefore, they will seriously consider any and all homes currently on the market, including your home, if it fits their needs.
Having only the most serious of buyers, who are highly motivated out searching, they may be somewhat limited, but are a very select group of people coming through your doors. In the Spring and Summer, everyone wants to snoop through your home for the sake of curiosity or simply for something to do as a favorite hobby.
If you don't mind allowing very serious and motivated potential Buyers touring your home then you can see why listing and selling can be very wise when others cannot be bothered.
But, what if you don't want to move during the holidays?
Perhaps you have not yet found your replacement home because you are one of those busy Buyers who has not had the time to finalize your search or complete your purchase.

You Don't Have to Move During the Holidays.

Maybe you are ready to move -- holidays or no holidays. Great! Selling is no problem then. But, what if you don't want to move or you currently are not ready?
No problem. There are several ways to stay put in your home until you are ready to make your move - even after you have found a committed buyer for your home, completed all the paperwork and have even closed escrow.
The experienced Broker will have options for you. One choice is to complete the sale of your home and rent back from the new Buyers for a period of time. This can be a smart decision for several reasons:
  1. You know how much you have received from the sale of your home, and thus helps determine how much you have available to spend for your next home;
  2. You don't have to move during the holiday season if that is your wish;
  3. It gives you more time to finalize your home search or complete that purchase transaction without rushing into something; and
  4. It can be more manageable for some to complete the sale of their home before finalizing their decision for their next home - one transaction at a time.

You Home Looks Great During the Holidays.

Your home can look its best during the holidays. The decorations and the scent of pine from your Christmas tree or the warmth of candles from you menorah. In fact, most people really don't mind and see past a festive-looking home. They understand, particularly if they are serious Buyers and motivated to buy.

With a full service Real Estate Brokerage, selling your home at any time does not have to be a lot of work or stress. That is why you hire an experienced, knowledgeable and helpful Broker.

Declutter, depersonalize, clean up and touch up the paint ... and your work is done. Help is available for all of these tasks too.

Once your home is ready to go on the market, you are free to go to Grandma's for the holidays. We can address all concerns, respond to offers and even finalize a sale in your absence.

With cell phones, texting and the ability to digitally sign documents, you can be virtually anywhere in the world and not miss a single beat.

I have recommended to a few of my clients that they feel free to leave town, take a vacation and let me do all the heavy lifting from there.

Whether You are Buying or Selling,

During the Holidays is a GOOD Time.

So, if you are considering selling your home, the holidays can be as good a time as any because there is not a lot of competition for homes to buy and the Buyers who are out looking are serious and ready to buy.


Is it time to sell your Home or Investment Property?

   We are happy to prepare a comparative market analysis to determine the current market value of your home or investment property.
  • Is it time to SELL and CASH OUT?  
  • Is it time to DOWNSIZE or do you need a BIGGER home?
  • Is it time to BUY a home?
  • - OR -
  • Is it time to BUY an investment property to build equity for your retirement?
  • Is it time to EXCHANGE your investment property for a more valuable property?
   Make sure you are making wise real estate decisions for your PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES, based on:
  1. Your personal and financial goals,
  2. Current local real estate market trends, and
  3. Current national and global economic and political atmosphere and trends.
  • All Real Estate Markets are cyclical - Historically, each real estate cycle is approximately 10 years.  
  • Rather than BUY AND HOLD, you should BUY AND REASSESS AT LEAST ANNUALLY.  Is it time for your annual Real Estate Portfolio's check-up?

Mark Harbaugh, J.D. has been licensed in California since 1998.  He is a real estate Broker, holds a Bachelors Degree and a Law Degree.  Since 1998, Mark has been providing expert representation to buyers and sellers of homes, condos, multi-unit properties and multi-million dollar estates - BUYERS, SELLERS and INVESTORS.  

     Who do you know who is considering Buying or Selling in the next 3 to 6 months?



Listing and Selling Homes Since 1998.