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Monday, June 24, 2013

Inventory Conditions Improve Slightly But Still Lags Demand in May

As the real estate market continues its rebound, seller inventory picks up but only slightly.

See the article below by clicking on the link.

Inventory Conditions Improve Slightly But Still Lags Demand in May


Mark Harbaugh, J.D. has been a licensed REALTOR® in California since 1998.  He is a real estate Broker, holds a Bachelors Degree and a Law Degree.

Since 1998, Mark has been providing expert representation to buyers and sellers of homes, condos, multi-unit properties and multi-million dollar estates. 

His clients include friends - old and new - colleagues, professional football and basketball players, original founders of Fortune 500 companies and other high-profile personalities, who value their privacy and anonymity.  Mark has also consulted Nationally and Internationally with many interested in buying and selling real estate.

Mark can be reached at 619-246-2860.

Email: markonthemark@gmail.com



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